Welcome to Jacobs' Ladder Therapeutic Riding Center
We strive to help people learn the joys, and benefits of therapeutic riding, as well as other equine assisted activities.
Our Goals
To reach members of our community who were previously unable to consider riding due to physical or mental disabilities, who are interested in furthering their knowledge of horses and are interested in learning to ride horses in a safe, non-stressful environment.
To provide an outlet for the recreational and developmental needs of school-age children and adults.
To promote an “I can do it!” attitude for those who have previously been limited in their abilities.
To offer, for those who are interested, the opportunity to compete in Special Olympics Horse Shows and other events for challenged riders.

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Mission Statement
“The mission of Jacobs’ Ladder Therapeutic Riding Center is to provide equine related activities to individuals with special needs. Children as young as 4 years old may participate, as well as adults who desire to strengthen their physical bodies, build their self-esteem, gain a sense of independence, learn new skills & make new friends.”
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